Czech made over/under double barrel combination rifle/shotgun modeled after the US M6 Aircrew Survival Weapon, chambered for 22 Hornet & 410 Bidding Has Concluded Estimate 1, Double Sided Schrade/Taylor Brands Display Case German WWII Officers Dress Sword Reata Pass Auctions maker Puma marked No3, sword knotThe doublebladed scimitar is the signature weapon of Valenar elves A haft of fine wood supports a long, curving blade on either end Forged with techniques honed over centuries, these blades are strong, sharp, and remarkably light Each scimitar is a masterpiece, and as a result the doublebladed scimitar is an expensive weapon (100 gp) — few though ever have theDoublesided stop sign axe 1,0 40,000 A long sword with a saw blade 1,500 55,000 Small sword that is jagged on one side 2,000 75,000 Large axe that is heavily decorated 2,500 100,000 Small hammer in the shape of a gavel
Big Data Is A Double Edged Sword Dataversity